

    • Micro Level

    • Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson

    • Product Life Cycle from Cradle to Grave

    • Socio-Ecological Impact Matrix

    • In the following matrix, you see the socio-ecological  impact of different products:

    • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

    • Below, we invite you to compare the two different methodologies. Use the arrows on the sides to navigate between the images.

    • Review and Discussion

      1. Describe the entire life cycle of a text book.
      2. Develop a socio-ecological impact matrix for a cotton T-shirt. Which stages of the product life cycle and which categories should you consider? What are the main social and environmental problems associated with cotton T-shirts? 
      3. What conclusions can we draw from qualitative and quantitative LCAs of coffee? What implications could these have for sustainability marketing of coffee companies such as Starbucks?

    • Literature and References

      Belz, F.M., Peattie, K. (2012): Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective, 2. Ed., Chichester: Wiley, p. 61-72. 

      ISO (2006): ISO 14040: 2006, www.bsigroup.com.
      These ISO Guidelines deal with Life Cylce Assessment. 

      Rex, E. (2008): Marketing for Life Cycle Thinking, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteburg, Sweden.