Micro Level
Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson
Product Life Cycle from Cradle to Grave
Socio-Ecological Impact Matrix
In the following matrix, you see the socio-ecological impact of different products:
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Below, we invite you to compare the two different methodologies. Use the arrows on the sides to navigate between the images.
Review and Discussion
- Describe the entire life cycle of a text book.
- Develop a socio-ecological impact matrix for a cotton T-shirt. Which stages of the product life cycle and which categories should you consider? What are the main social and environmental problems associated with cotton T-shirts?
- What conclusions can we draw from qualitative and quantitative LCAs of coffee? What implications could these have for sustainability marketing of coffee companies such as Starbucks?
Literature and References
Belz, F.M., Peattie, K. (2012): Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective, 2. Ed., Chichester: Wiley, p. 61-72.
ISO (2006): ISO 14040: 2006, www.bsigroup.com.
These ISO Guidelines deal with Life Cylce Assessment.Rex, E. (2008): Marketing for Life Cycle Thinking, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteburg, Sweden.