Case Study FamilyMart Stores
Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson
Introduction to FamilyMart Convenience Stores
Key FamilyMart Sustainability Strategies
Here, you can have a closer look at the picture from the video on approaches to store infrastructure:
Becoming an Important Place in Customer's Lives
Review and Discussion
- How have FamilyMart reduced the distribution related environmental costs linked to the products they sell?
- FamilyMart is a franchise operation, what challenges might that create in terms of developing and delivering sustainable customers solutions?
- What other initiative could you think of to help make FamilyMart stores an important and sustainable place in their customers’ lives?
Literature and References
Belz, F.M., Peattie, K. (2012): Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective, 2. ed., Chichester: Wiley, p. 255-274.
FamilyMart (2009), CSR Initiatives by FamilyMart,