Case Study - ONE Water
Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson
The ONE Water Like-for-Like Model
Marketing Communications Issues
Video - ONE and Total in Africa
The video mentioned by Prof. Ken Peattie is not available. Instead, we would like to recommend the following video for you to watch:
The Future for the Brand and the Business Model
Review and Discussion
- What factors explained ONE’s eventual success in the bottled water market?
- Bottled water has been the subject of criticism from an environmental perspective. Does that make it more difficult to market as a sustainability brand?
- How far do you think the like-for-like business model of ONE can be stretched?
Literature and References
Belz, F.M., Peattie, K. (2012): Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective, 2. ed., Chichester: Wiley, p. 197-229.
ONE Water (2012). Available at:
Here you can find a whole range of further information including videos and publications, awards that ONE Water has won and the philosophy behind the company and its brand.